27 January 2007

Three Magic Words / Meditations by US Andersen Worth the Read

Ah…this year is beginning very nicely. I have already found a little gem that I feel really has the potential to add value to and transform my thought process. Of course when you transform your thoughts, you transform your life.

It’s in the form of a 319-page book entitled Three Magic Words by US Andersen.

Of course books come into our lives at specific times for a reason, and this one is no exception. It’s the old adage that I first heard Wayne Dyer say, “When the student is ready, the teacher will come.” Although many of the self empowerment concepts in the book were familiar to me, this author presents the material in such a way that you can actually get you mind around it.

I am only halfway through the book, so I don’t yet know the three magic words, but I have my suspicions as to what they might be.

I am going to post the first of the very powerful meditations contained in this little book to give you a sample of what’s inside. It reads:

I know that I am pure spirit, that I always have been, and that I always will be.

There is inside me a place of confidence and quietness and security where all things are known and understood. This is the Universal Mind, God, of which I am a part and which responds to me as I ask of it.

This universal mind knows the answer to all of my problems, and even now the answers are speeding their way to me. I needn’t struggle for them; I needn’t worry or strive for them. When the time comes, the answers will be there. I give my problems to the great mind of God; I let go of them, confident that the correct answers will return to me when they are needed.

Through the great law of attraction, everything in life that I need for my work and fulfillment will come to me. It is not necessary that I strain about this, only believe. For in the strength of my belief, my faith will make it so.

I see the hand of divine intelligence all about me, in the flower, the tree, the brook, the meadow. I know that the intelligence that created all these things is in me and around me and that I can call upon it for my slightest need.

I know that my body is a manifestation of pure spirit and that spirit is perfect; therefore my body is perfect also. I enjoy life, for each day brings a constant demonstration of the power and wonder of the universe and myself.

I am confident. I am serene. I am sure. No matter what obstacle or undesirable circumstance crosses my path, I refuse to accept it, for it is nothing but illusion. There can be no obstacle or undesirable circumstance to the mind of God, which is in me, and around me, and serves me now.

If you get a chance to read this guy, don’t hesitate. Like I said, its not that the central concepts of the book were unknown to me, but this author has a power of description that allows you to actually see how we are all intimately connected to the One Source.

Enuf said. Check him out for yourself, or if you already know his work, leave a comment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have the book ..obtained in some
old age home bazaar in Cape Town
Eager to know if there are any updates to the book either by Andersen or students of his
The 3 magic words written in 1954
or so ...has info decades ahead of 1954 and even 2000...
The contents make the reader feel
he has finally found a huge part of the puzzle ...almost as if very little is still required ..tho we
must accede that full knowledge is
really infinity