04 March 2006

Fasting and Prayer…What a Combination

“Verily I say, fasting is the supreme remedy and the most great healing for the disease of self and passion.” -- Bahá’u’lláh

Of course the focus of many Bahá’ís during this season is the Fast, and I am no exception.

I was just browsing through Dr. Elson M Hass’ book entitled “The Detox Diet: The How-To & When-To Guide for Cleansing the Body of Sugar, Nicotine, Alcohol, Caffeine, Chemicals and more…” He has a section on Fasting and Juice Cleansing and I was wondering if anyone out there in cyberland had used his material during the fasting period?

This evening I tried his Spring Master Cleanser formula to break the Fast after the sun went down. I must admit that the cayenne pepper which is part of the mix did have some kick to it, but the taste was not unpleasant and I managed to drink it all down, slip by slip.

Here’s his recipe for the master cleanser. You probably already have all the items in your home to make the formula if you are so inclined to give it a shot.

Spring Master Cleanser

2 Tablespoons fresh lemon or lime juice

1 Tablespoon pure maple syrup (up to 2 tablespoons if you want to drop less weight)

1/10 teaspoon cayenne pepper

8 ounces spring water

Mix and drink 8-12 glasses throughout the day. Eat or drink nothing else except water, laxative herb tea, and peppermint or chamomile tea. Keep the Cleanser in a glass container (not plastic) or make it fresh each time. Rinse your mouth with water after each glass to prevent the lemon juice from hurting the enamel of your teeth.

From The Detox Diet by Elson M. Hass, M.D.....

Of course Dr Hass has an Autumn Rejuvenation Ration which includes other wholesome goodies to partake of during a 3 to 5 day Fast during that time of year.

I don’t know if I will try the entire program he advocates in his 128 page book packed with a stop-smoking brew, under his nicotine detoxification section but I will certainly read his sugar detox section since I have been trying to slide that monster out from under my bed since time immemorial.

Hass' book is worth a read


Well, I had thought I would take this Fasting time to write an e-book on Social Security Disability and how to get an accurate decision in the least amount of time but it just was not materializing. So instead I have decided to do some more work on a prayer book that I have in the works.

Today has been fruitful as I finished the introduction and the personal commentary in the “Why we pray” section of the book.

Yes, this project will be much more suitable to the calmness of the Fast than the Social Security project.

Earlier when I mentioned to a friend that I was writing a book on prayer which would include prayers for the family, husbands, women, protection, aid and assistance, etc., the first word that came out of her mouth was “Stormie OMartian.” She noted this author’s name was synonymous with the Book of Prayer. Said I should check her out next time I was at the bookstore.

So that’s what I did later in the day. The format of this author, from what I gathered from thumbing through the pages of her Book of Prayer was that she begins with a full paragraph of commentary and ends each page with a very small bit of scripture. My plan would be to give full prayers as revealed by the Prophets, Manifestations and Mouthpieces of God as the meat and potatoes of the page, with perhaps a small bit of commentary at the end if needed.

Do you have a better idea? Your comments are welcomed.

We’ll see what the final product looks like.

Til next time…

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