20 December 2005

Spiritual, Emotional, Physical and Financial Blessings for the Asking Using this Simple 9 Step Formula

Stop that Wining Child…
On Moving Back Home to Live With My Father

--Are you stressed out about your bills?
--Did you just get fired from your job?
--Has your husband or wife (spouse or significant other) left you – for good this time?
--Are you in debt up to your eyeballs?
--Are they threatening to take your house away because you can’t meet the mortgage payments? Have they declined your mortgage loan application?
--Are your children just looking for a reason to hit the streets and run away from home?
--Do you have your own alcohol/smoking/drug addiction to handle?
--Are you grossly overweight—obese?
--Struggling with promiscuity? Latent homosexual tendencies? Been celibate too long?

Or do you have some other mental, physical, financial or spiritual problem that you need some help with?

Well, today is your lucky day

You’re invited to participate in my free 19 day MSW program.

This program is guaranteed to work for you or your money back.

In other words, if you don’t log/register/experience at least one miracle or spiritual blessing in your life within this 19-day period, then I will gladly refund your complete purchase price, including shipping. Oh…silly me, there is no money to refund…it’s free.

Okay, here are the ground rules for the MSW program participation. The only requirement for this is that you must have a belief in a higher power (i.e. a belief in God or any of His divinely appointed Messengers):

Here are the 9 steps you must take to reap the benefits of the MSW (My Spiritual Weapon) program:

1) Identify up to nine current problems that you are facing.
2) Write these problems down on a piece of paper.
3) Write down any solutions that you can think of for each of these problems.
4) Now, toss out both pieces of paper. That’s right—trash these papers. These are probably just updates on solutions that you have tried before, the same solutions that have not worked for you before, so just toss them out. You’ve heard the saying that you can not solve a problem with the same mindset that created the problem in the first place.
5) Now. Here is the most important step in the process. Read this phrase every day for at least five times a day (more if you think about it): “Thank you (God) for everything. I have (absolutely) no complaints whatsoever.”
6) Repeat this phrase everyday for 19 days.
7) At the end or beginning of each day, write down any good things or unusual or unexpected positive things that you have experienced throughout the day. Good things might include any special blessings that came to you. Blessings can take the form of a good feeling that seemed to appear out of nowhere; financial blessings that come from a known or unexpected source; spiritual blessings, such as feeling more love towards someone, being kinder to others, or feeling love that others have shown toward you. Blessings may also take the form of your developing a new way of viewing your problems, and your taking action and following through on any new solutions that come to mind.
8) While you are saying your phrase each day, think about what it means. Imagine that you are an adult child who has been having some problems that have resulted in you having to move back into your Father’s home. Remember when you were a child and how all your needs were provided for. You did not have to worry about the rent; you did not have to worry about getting food or clothes. All your needs were provided for by your parents. Now that you are back home with your Father for the next 19 days, all you have to do is say “Thank you Father for everything. I have absolutely no complaints whatsoever”. This statement is true because even when you were fighting with your siblings or wanting candy that was bad for your teeth, your father always had a solution and took care of everything. He showed you ways to get along with the other children at school. Try to get in the habit of knowing that while you are in your Father’s home, everything will be taken care of. All you have to do is your part. When you were a child, that meant you got up, dressed, had breakfast and went off to school. As an adult in your Father’s home, all you need to do is figure out a way to serve him. So you might also begin your day by asking “Father, thank you for everything. How may I serve you today?”. Then wait for an answer. When it appears that an answer presents itself, act on it at once.
9) Get involved in some activity that allows you to be of service to others. “Service is the magnet that draws the confirmations of the Merciful One”, and since you are seeking divine confirmations, by being of service to someone/others, this is one sure way to receive your blessings.

Editor’s Note: From time to time, I will be randomly setting up such experiments designed to increase your blessing. Each time I discover new ways to increase the miracles in my life, I plan to pass it on to my readers. Sign up to be notified of when this blog is updated if you wish to be kept informed of any new experiments which cost you nothing to implement, but which may change your life for the better.

Til next time…

This is Lo and I got to go…'cause I’m running for my life.

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