So you’ve wanted to own a cat, but you are allergic to them.
Well, finally there is relief. Go ahead and put your name on the waiting list for this one.
Read: Allergy-free Cats For Sale at $3,950 Each, an article posted on the Medical News Today website.
I’m really not a cat person myself, although I have “cat” sat for a friend for about a week or two while she and her husband journeyed off to Japan for a vacation and to visit with relatives. They had one cat and one big dog. It was a long week for me since I am not really a dog person either. The first night in their home, I ended up having to call the couple’s in-town son to come over to reassure me that the big dog's bark was a friendly one.
My fear of dogs began when I was a youngster walking home from grade school on the streets of Brooklyn, New York. My friend and I were just walking along, when all of a sudden a little dog jumped up and took a bite out of my leg. We had not been taunting the dog, and to this day I don’t know where he came from. But ever since then I have never gone out of my way to cultivate relationships with these “unpredictable” creatures.
Still, I know that statically people with animals for pets tend to be happier and to live longer, and maybe I will even consider getting a small dog once I have an enclosed outdoors attached to my living area so s/he can run, play, roam and be free. No, an apartment is no place to raise a dog.
I’ve fought so long and hard for my own freedom that it would be inhumane to subject a defenseless animal to that same faith, i.e. having to stay cooped up in an apartment forever. You know, to children, 10 minutes can be a very long time, so imagine how long 8 hours would be to a dog confined to an apartment dwelling. It would be like forever. It would be an eternity of hell.
Ok…gotta get back to writing this disability ebook. Was just taking an email break. Will yell at you next time."Unless ye must,Bruise not the serpent in the dust,How much less wound a man,And if ye can,No ant should ye alarm,Much less a brother harm." --Abdu'l-Baha--