It is interesting that when we start to focus on a thing, how other related things just kind of show up in our life.
Last week I had recommended to a psychologist in the office I work in, that she might be interested in reading David Hawkins' Power versus Force. So, yesterday while away from my desk at lunch, she had left a note saying that she had begun reading the book over the weekend and was enjoying the book. She asked me if I had read anything by Wayne Dyer or Deepak Chopra or Marianne Williamson.
So I sent her an email saying yes, Wayne was one of my favorites who I had been reading since the late 1980s and though I had read Deepak I really wasn’t that fond of his writing style but had enjoyed a short work of his called Creating Affluence. But as for Marianne Williamson, I had yet to read her but that I thought I had her in my library at home.
Well this morning, I gave myself a choice: whether I would take a morning walk and enjoy the brisk morning air, or lay in the bed a little longer and “feed my spirit”. I choose to stay in bed, which really came as no surprise since I have not yet gotten into the habit of walking everyday yet. I will try to do better tomorrow.
So I picked up Marianne Williamson, and all I can say after the first 29 pages is Wow! Where have you been all of my life?
Don’t have time to say more, but here are a couple of quotes from the book that I want to share with you, one of which speaks to this idea of discipline. Enjoy—
This is Lo, and I gotta run…
Quote on Discipline
The word discipline comes from the same root as the word disciple, and the mystic is a disciple of love. We are mentally disciplined to believe that there is no problem love cannot solve. Holiness is an internal state, a whole” way of seeing. When our minds are no longer fragmented by the illusion of our separation from each other, but healed by the truth of our oneness, we are awakened to a new dimension of compassion. Within the mantle of that love, there is literally nothing we cannot do. We have remembered who God is. We have remembered who we are. Finally, we are whole at last.
Quote on Oneness
Our relationship with God is our relationship with ourselves, for in no way are we separate from Him. Aligned with Him, we are firm within our own power, thinking ourselves separate from Him, we are cast into internal chaos and fear. To know that we are one with God is to know that we are infinite love. When we are not loving, we are literally not being ourselves. Infinite love is not an attribute of our being, but rather the essence of our being. Our only real problem is that we have forgotten who we are. – Marianne Williamson, Everyday Grace: Having Hope, Finding Forgiveness and Making Miracles