20 September 2005

Laughter, Self Talk -- A Fibromyalgia Cure?

"And if thou are looking for the divine remedy which will cure the spirit of man of all diseases and make him obtain the health of the Divine Kingdom, know that it is the precepts and teachings of God. Take the greatest care of them." -- 'Abdu'l-Baha

Here's my latest article posted at RecallingHealth.com, entitled:

One Natural Fibromyalgia Cure for Pain and Fatigue: Discover how I naturally cured my ‘almost’ fibromyalgia syndrome with laughter and self-talk as a remedy and treatment to manage the symptoms of pain and fatigue.

That's all for now.


This is Lo and I gotta go ... 'cause I'm running for my life.

03 September 2005

Prayers for Aid and Assistance for the Victims of Hurricane Katrina...

"The purpose of God in creating man hath been, and will ever be, to enable him to know his Creator and to attain His Presence." -- Baha'u'llah

In an Hour of Need ...

(Please note if you click on the "title link" above, you will be taken to BahaiPrayers.org)

As I was having some tea this morning, I noted these two quotes on the back of the Celestial Seasoning herbal tea box, which read:

"A house is no home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as the body." Margaret Fuller

"The flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudy days." -- Robert Leighton

The second quote instantly reminded me of the devastation and the continued sufferings of the victims of Hurricane Katrina.

Here is a prayer--copied and pasted from BahaiPrayers.org--offered to bring aid and assistance to the many whose lives, livelihood and homes have been touched by this calamity. You will find many more prayers available at the above mentioned website, but as I have said in a previous post, this is the prayer I used most often in an hour of need.

L ord! Pitiful are we, grant us Thy favor; poor, bestow upon us a share from the ocean of Thy wealth; needy, do Thou satisfy us; abased, give us Thy glory. The fowls of the air and the beasts of the field receive their meat each day from Thee and all beings partake of Thy care and loving kindness.

Deprive not this feeble one of Thy wonderous grace and vouchsafe by Thy might unto this helpless soul Thy bounty.

Give us our daily bread and grant Thy increase in the necessities of life, that we may be dependent on none other than Thee, may walk in Thy ways and declare Thy mysteries. Thou art the Almighty and the Loving and the Provider of all mankind.


Another prayer reads:

"In God, Who is the Lord of all created things, have I placed My whole trust. There is no God but Him, the Peerless, the Most Exalted. Unto Him have I resigned Myself and into His hands have I committed all My affairs." -- The Bab

You can read The Lord's Prayer here.

Please remember that this day is blessed...and so are you.

This is Lo, and I'm running for my life ...